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Benefits & Savings Of Roof Rejuvenation In Dover: Extend Your Roof Lifespan & Save Money

If you own a home in Dover, you probably want to do everything in your power to make sure every part of it lasts as long as possible. With roof rejuvenation through Greener Shingles from the team at K2 Roof Rejuvenation LLC, you can enjoy a variety of benefits and savings for your rooftop. Greener Shingles is a lab- and field-tested roof treatment that replaces the oils your shingles have lost over time, reconditioning them and restoring their flexibility, durability, and resistance to water and fire. With this innovative and affordable treatment, you can save thousands of dollars on roof repairs and re-roofing, as well as extend the lifespan of your shingles.

When it comes to your Dover roof rejuvenation, you simply can't go wrong with trusting K2 Roof Rejuvenation LLC to ensure you can enjoy all of the benefits and savings that come along with such a service. We've got years of experience applying Greener Shingles to local homes, businesses, and multi-family units, offering protection and strength for your aging shingles. Give us a call today to learn more about Greener Shingles, or check out our roof rejuvenation FAQ!

Save Up To 80% Compared To Roof Replacement Costs

The national average cost to replace the roof of a home is $8,000. Unless you've got a savings account set up specifically for your roof, it's unlikely that you've got that kind of money just lying around waiting to be used. Re-roofing is one of the most expensive home improvement projects you can take on, as well as one of the most invasive (and loudest). A roof replacement will have you forking over thousands to have a team of workers on your roof for days, removing old shingles and applying new ones that you can only hope will last longer than your last set.

If you could trade all of that for a simpler, cheaper option, you would! Well, we're excited to tell you that you can. By opting for a Greener Shingles treatment over a roof replacement, you can save thousands of dollars and hours of listening to nail guns above your head. K2 Roof Rejuvenation LLC is proud to be Dover's number one roof rejuvenation company, offering you an attractive set of benefits and savings with our Greener Shingles treatment. Saving you money is one of our top priorities, right next to giving you a stronger, more durable roof.

Extend Your Shingle Lifespan By 5-15 Years

When your roof was installed, it was likely expected to last 20-30 years, which is a pretty long time considering the amount of wear and tear your shingles endure on a daily basis. However, like most things, shingles don't last forever-- sometimes, they don't even last as long as they're expected to. You can fight early shingle damage and replacement by investing in roof rejuvenation services like Greener Shingles. This plant-based product is made up of oils and additives that soak into and restore your shingles, giving them the boost they need to last up to 15 more years! We can give your rooftop some extra TLC with roof rejuvenation for Dover, and you're sure to enjoy the many benefits and savings that come along with it for years to come.

Schedule a Consultation with Your Delaware Roof Repair & Rejuvenation Professional!